John Giorno

John Giorno

We all have our rituals, some of them positive, others negative, and most just keep us in holding patterns that leave us stagnate.

If you want lasting change you need to commit. Decide on what you want, make a plan, and do it. Day in and day out. The process of conditioning ourselves feels incredible, especially when you experience that initial momentum, but most people never reach that.


Because getting to that momentum takes time. On average, people give up after 2-3 weeks of consistent training (this goes beyond working out) after not "seeing results" they were expecting. The problem is focusing on counting the days rather than fully committing. Knowing that you have committed to living a healthier and more fulfilling LIFE both in body and spirit, you hold yourself accountable each waking day. Not tomorrow, a week from now, or even a year.

If you want lasting change you have to give up the idea of just trying something. Commit to MASTERING it. STEP UP and discover what you're capable of.

If you are ready for a change join the TBW club today.